
Saturday 6 June 2020

Learning About The Atmosphere

Task Description: Today in my maths class we were learning about The Atmosphere. learning about The Atmosphere what very different and fun. It was only fun because my teacher made it fun by doing little test about The Atmosphere. The next thing I want to learn about is what is inside the earth and what we should do to help our earth it be healthy.

Summary About The Atmosphere: The Atmosphereis made out of gas that is surrounding the earth. There are 5 different layers of gas there is Troposphere,Stratosphere,Mesosphere,Thermosphere and Exosphere. It starts from the ground stretching all the way up in to spcae. Our weather is formed in Troposphere water evaporates from land to become snow or rain. Stratoshere containing about 20% of the earths gas. The ozone layer is found in this sphere which protects us from harmful rays from the sun. Mesosphere extend from the Stratoshereto approximately 58 mils high it is the coldest layer of atmosphere it's about minus 130 degrees fahrenheit. Thermosphere is very hot as temperatures can reach up to 5,000 degrees fahrenheit this is because the air and the Thermosphere consumes lots of solar radiatio.Exosphere it is the last layer of the atmoshere. It's temperatures is between night and day at night it become freezing cold while during the daytime it can be very very hot.


  1. Kia orana Terapi,

    It is so good to have you back at school! What a great post about the atmosphere, you have included lots of great facts. I'm glad you are having a great time with Mrs Tele'a, she is wonderful at making things fun!
