
Wednesday 17 July 2019

Going to the Matariki light

On Saturday 13th July 2019. My brother, cousin and I got ready for my uncle and auntie. We were all going to go to see the Matariki lights and also the fireworks. My auntie and uncle came and we made our way to their house, auntie was waiting for her brother's family to join us as well. We began to get ready to walk down to the Matariki lights because it was very close to my aunties house. We were walking for a bit then my brother saw lots of his friends. At the end of the lights my uncle and auntie brought another light stick for my other baby cousins and my brother. We were walking around looking at all the Matariki lights and then we stopped walking for a bit to play tag. Finally, it was time to start the countdown. My brother, cousin, auntie and uncle we all began to count 5,4,3,2,1 then the fireworks went boom boom boom. It was very loud and colourful to warch the fireworks that night. The fireworks was my favorite part of the Matariki celebrations. At that point we had to walk back to my aunties house because baby was getting cold. When we got home to my aunties house. My uncle wanted to watch the warriors game. It was very funny watching my aunty and uncle because they were cheering loudly and screaming at the t.v. for the warriors team and all they needed was one try to win the game. While they were watching the warriors game I was playing with my baby cousin and this is the photo of him. I enjoyed spending time that weekend with my auntie and uncle, brother and cousins at the Matariki lights.

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